Catherine Esposito Prescott is the winner of the 2022 Barry Spacks Poetry Prize, selected by Danusha Laméris for her book Accidental Garden. Prescott is the author of the chapbooks Maria Sings and The Living Ruin. Her work appears in many journals and anthologies, including EcoTheo Review, Green Mountains Review Online, MER VOX, Mezzo Cammin, NELLE, Northwest Review, Pleiades, Spillway, Stirring: A Literary Collection, Valparaiso Poetry Review, Verse Daily, and West Trestle Review as well as Grabbed: Poets & Writers on Sexual Assault, Empowerment, & Healing and The Orison Anthology. Co-founder of SWWIM and Editor in Chief of SWWIM Every Day, Prescott earned an MFA in Creative Writing-Poetry from NYU. She leads writing and yoga retreats and teaches vinyasa yoga and yoga philosophy in Miami, where she lives with her family. Please see http://catherineespositoprescott.com to learn more.